Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What's happening this week ending August 25th 2013

What happened this week!  Sophistication turned 22 months old!  Where did the time go???  We went to the park on her month day and she LOVES the slides.  She has absolutely NO fear of climbing all the way to the top and then sliding down on her own.  However, Mommy is terrified of this!  Therefore, Papi hung out at the top of the slide and Mommy at the bottom to make sure she made it up and down safely! :-)  My baby is getting to be such a big girl already!

Talking about being a big girl, I French Braided Soph's hair for the first time this week!  WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH :(  

I still can't believe how big she is getting!
This previous week also brought us new kittens that have adopted us.  We have a boy and a girl that look almost identical and are super friendly.   We himmed and hawed if we were going to give them names or not and Papi said we had to call them SOMETHING.  Then he named them Buffy for the little girl and Tuffy for the little boy.  I am surprised that they let Sophistication carry them around so much but they seem to love her just as much as she loves them.  

I wanted to show off this weeks manicure too.  I wore Bondi New York's Brick Road topped by a Wet and Wild orange glitter polish that I have NO idea what it is actually called.  One of my co-workers said this was my candy corn manicure and I completely agree.  Now I just need to find a pearl white to finish it off for a perfect Halloween mani!

I hope you all had as amazing a week as I did!  Enjoy the last days of summer before they are gone, I know I am! 

~ Dee

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